Fluoroscopic Cover

A fluoroscopic cover is a protective barrier designed to shield and cover fluoroscopy equipment, which is a medical imaging technology that provides real-time moving images of internal structures through the use of X-rays.

The cover helps maintain cleanliness, prevent contamination, and protect both patients and medical personnel during fluoroscopic procedures.


A fluoroscopic cover is a protective barrier designed to shield and cover fluoroscopy equipment, which is a medical imaging technology that provides real-time moving images of internal structures through the use of X-rays.

The cover helps maintain cleanliness, prevent contamination, and protect both patients and medical personnel during fluoroscopic procedures.

  • A fluoroscopic cover acts as a barrier, preventing the accumulation of dirt, dust, bodily fluids, and other potential contaminants on the surface of the fluoroscopy machine.
  • By minimizing the risk of cross-contamination between patients and users, the cover contributes to infection control measures and supports a hygienic healthcare environment.
  • Some fluoroscopic covers are designed with radiation-absorbing materials, offering additional protection to medical staff operating the equipment.
  • Fluoroscopic covers are typically designed for easy application and removal, allowing for efficient use and maintenance of the fluoroscopy equipment.