LEG U” Drape

A “Leg U” drape is a sterile surgical covering designed specifically for procedures involving the leg, shaped in a “U” form. It creates a sterile barrier, preventing contamination during leg surgeries or interventions.

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A “Leg U” drape is a sterile surgical covering designed specifically for procedures involving the leg, shaped in a “U” form. It creates a sterile barrier, preventing contamination during leg surgeries or interventions.

This drape is designed to provide access and coverage for the leg area, with adhesive edges and tailored openings that ensure surgical access while maintaining sterility.

It contributes to successful outcomes in various leg-related procedures.

  • Sterile cover designed in a “U” shape for leg surgeries.
  • Prevents contamination, upholding sterile conditions during procedures.
  • Shaped to provide coverage and access to the leg area.
  • Adhesive edges and specialized openings facilitate precise surgical interventions.